What did I struggle with as an aspiring entrepreneur? :: Two Girls | One Tip Tuesday

I had the opportunity to speak with Coach Jennie, Co-Founder of Hungry Entrepreneurs, a new community for entrepreneurs teetering between launch and bankruptcy. I met Coach Jennie during our GenJuice Tour summer 2010, and I’m so lucky to still call her a friend!

I really enjoyed answering the questions:

  1. What is something I struggled with as a hungry entrepreneur? Not sticking to my strengths and being honest about the work I wanted to do. When I first started consulting, I looked at the market and let that determine the services I offered, instead of sticking to my natural talents. Once I “returned to my roots,” I was able to overdeliver to my clients and position myself as a more premium product as a result.
  2. What is one super, juicy tip guaranteed to put food on the table of hungry entrepreneurs? Address these 3 assumptions ASAP (ideally in your first 30 days): 1) Someone will use my product, 2) Love it, and 3) Pay for it. Perform customer development by interviewing prospective customers and making necessary revisions to your product offering.

Check out the video for additional tips (such as “Do what you love out loud.”)

What tips do you have for the Hungry Entrepreneurs community?

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Photo Credit: hungryentrepreneurs.com, coachjennie.com